
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Janet went on a mission trip to Haiti with her church from New Hampshire, Grace Community Church. Janet knew this opportunity was God destined by the way He miraculously provided for her. His provision made her aware that this trip was going to be something special and she was able to push past her own fears and insecurities to experience the greatness that God has planned for her and her team.

Here is a short but impactful story about what can happen when you choose God over your flesh.

“During a few group prayers, I felt insecure. I did not feel that I was worthy enough to be there. The way they prayed was amazing. I found myself questioning if I was good enough; a teammate reminded me that I am loved by God and He accepted me for who I am. After one of the prayers we were told we were to do an ATL (Ask the Lord) prayer walk. I found out that we were going to be put in groups and I suddenly felt my insecurities taking over. I stood there feeling like a small child, worrying when I would be picked. We talked to God for a bit before we got into groups. I closed my eyes, said ‘show me the way’ and all I saw was the black of my eyes being shut. Again I asked God to show me the way and for the second time all I saw was black. I laughed and tried it for the third time! I began shaking my head for it was the third time all I saw was black. This time though, I felt an arm touch my shoulder and someone told me I was in their group.

                                           (Janet's group during their ATL prayer walk.) 

In my group were Vicki, Dusty, Dan, Zach (translator) and I. We headed out on our ATL prayer walk and Vicki stated she got a feeling we had to go to a bridge or maybe on the other side of it. Dusty agreed he got that same feeling about the bridge. We then headed down the road towards the bridge. When we got to the bridge, I had this strange feeling come across me; I had a very tight feeling in my chest as I broke down with tears. Our group stopped and prayed. When I prayed this time I could see black bars, and Dusty mentioned a black bag or curtain. We continued to walk over the bridge, and when we crossed over it I could feel the tight feeling slipping away. We decided to pray once more, and then I felt God telling me to go back.  When we returned back on the other side, the tight feeling in my chest came over me again. Zach, our translator, had a feeling we needed to walk down the nearby stairs and there it was in front of us – a home with black bars and a black curtain hanging out front! With encouragement from my group, I was the first to enter the home. Inside I felt that I needed to find someone who was ill and, sure enough, in the other room there he laid – a gentleman who was sick and had pain in his chest. I held his hand while we prayed – what a great feeling to pray for someone that God’s leads you to! Upon leaving, I felt amazing! I felt like a giant bird flew out of me. I informed our group that we did not just help that gentleman; I was also helped and felt like celebrating. Further down the road we heard celebrating coming out of a home and were invited in. They were singing and dancing. I asked what they were saying and found out they were repeating Glory to God! What a way to end a life changing and emotional prayer walk!”

God is faithful to answer our prayers in ways that will bring Him the most honor and glory. Although Janet felt like a small child and incapable of praying “properly”, He used her in this state to bring her closer to Him and show her His power by the way He spoke to the whole team, including Janet.

Janet’s life was transformed that day. What we’re wondering is who’s next?

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